KAZ Live “Early to say Merry Christmas 2019″
イタリア、パルマ生まれのオーナーシェフの料理とKAZ ONE MAN
BAND, パーシャル/スパイダ―カポ、ちょっと変わったリード楽器でのインストをフューチャーした楽曲をお楽しみ下さい。60S、70Sのフォーク、ロック、ソウル、少しC&Wも、それとクリスマス曲も… ギター奏法に興味がある方も、、是非料理の材料の用意の関係で11月6日(水)までに出欠の連絡をお願い致します。
It’s too early to say “Merry Christmas”? But KAZ Live “Early to say Merry
Christmas 2019″ is scheduled on Saturday, 9th November (Open: 1830, Start:
1900). Please mark on your calendar and hope you have a good time with an
authentic Italian cuisine and drinks and the live music entertainment in the
early festive mood. For this time along with one man band with partial
/spider capos and unique lead musical instruments, I will play 60s and 70s
Folk/Rock/Soul and Christmas tunes and more… Seats are limited and
please make reservation via Messenger, Line or e-mail to
Please notify NLT Wednesday, 6th November.